Not because you are weak,
Because you are ready to grow...
3 levels of working 1-2-1
with you and your team
Instant Impact
You have an issue right now, or coming soon. You need a fairly urgent conversation with a follow-up or two.
3-6 months of working together on a specific issue or challenge, or supporting you in your work.
6 or 12 months unlimited working together for real transformation and trusted advice and support.
Maybe you are looking for someone to help you reveal what you already know and believe.
Perhaps you need advice and guidance on a specific issue or difficult scenario - such as conflict, leadership and negotiation. Or help with an important presentation or pitch. Maybe it's an interview, for your next exciting opportunity.
With a background as a Courtroom Litigator and European Champion Debater see here I'm very comfortable 'thinking on my feet' and letting you take the conversation wherever it needs to go.
Let's have a chat - no obligation of course. Book in a 30-minute chat direct to my diary and take it from there... If I can't help you, I'll probably know someone who can.
Unmask Your Mindset
Enhance Your Skillset
I'll be your 'Sounding Board', adviser, Executive Coach, mentor or trainer - there is no judgement and no need for apology or embarrassment.
We focus on you and you alone - something that is difficult to do with friends and family, or even your most trusted colleagues.
Let me say - if it's very urgent and causing you distress or you're 'stuck' right now, well, let me help. That's what I do! Schedule a 'quick exploratory chat' or actually set up a session urgently. Or just phone me and I'll answer if I can.

Time For You,
Working On You
You are ‘enjoying’ the challenge of leading people and delivering your professional service.
In these highly competitive times, you are ready to now step up a gear.
Or two.
An external sounding board can be invaluable - no hidden agenda, utterly confidential.
No risk of being judged for thinking out aloud.
You need someone you can trust.
Gravitas Transformation Programme™
A Transformational Coaching Programme to help you 'Be More Compelling'
121 or in small groups
A transformational Coaching Programme.
Totally tailored and bespoke, not off-the-shelf.
Sessions once or twice a month over 3-6 months, with additional support in between sessions. Group programmes include some 121 time.
This is for you if you are ready to:
stop holding back and being overlooked
get out of your own way - breakthrough your self-imposed glass ceiliing
hit the peak - not be stuck at plateau

Saved Me Around £30,000
Wealth Management Specialist
I was competent, intelligent and professional but completely debilitated by my situation, which was affecting both business and home life.
Scott brought instant clarity, as well as emotional support. With his legal insight and disarming ability to defuse a potentially very hostile situation, the outcome saved me around £30,000.
Mentor or Coach?

1-2-1 sessions can take many forms, including:
advice and skills training
mentoring - 'what worked for me was...'
coaching - primarily listening and questioning, to draw out your own answers
I hope to hit the right balance between questioning like a lawyer and offering the support of a critical, trusted friend.
Yet without compromising on the need to challenge and hold you to account, if that is the purpose.
Sounding Board
Only someone outside the business can provide that degree of complete objectivity. Focusing on your challenges and issues.
Well intentioned colleagues and friends are often unable to give objective feedback or take the risk of saying what you don't want to hear.
With me, you can think out loud and speak openly, without any risk of hidden agenda or self-interest.
As a Barrister, I am always committed to complete and utter confidentiality in my legal work and that also applies to our time together.

Confidence. Influence.
There are a million different Leadership models and approaches (well maybe not quite a million!). This is mine.
5 essential elements of leadership: E L I T E
To help you focus on what’s right – not just what’s right now.
I'm sure it will be thought-provoking and practical, whether you are an established or an aspiring Leader.
For your free copy of 'The ELITE Leader' ebook, simply fill in the details and hit submit. I’ll email you back right away (you might need to check your junk email).
The ELITE Leader
Free e-book
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