Does Human Resources
Forget the Human?
... and that includes forgetting about You.
At first I used to think that HR was soft and fluffy - people-friendly and people-focused. There for employees, to listen and support. Which is what a lot of employee want and expect from their HR Department.
Lots of HR Managers want that too and struggle to balance that with the needs of the business.
After almost 20 years in Employment Law, I can see that this creates a real conflict for you, doesn't it? The role of the 'HR Business Partner' makes this dual role even more pronounced.
Do you often find yourself asking the question 'How do I get the balance right - between supporting employees and supporting the business?'
You're the meat in the sandwich!

Strategic People Role
Whether you are in Organisational Development, People Development or Employee Relations, that balance - that conflict - between employees and business is ever-present.
It's a stressful role, right? You're being pulled in both directions and both sides insist that their perspective is more important.
And the emotions. Both sides of the dispute - and yours too. A minefield indeed!
How do you cope? Who do you have so that you can 'offload'? Is there a neutral, safe 'space' for you to bounce ideas around - with someone who will never judge you?
If it's your manager, or even a colleague, can you be completely open?
Is there ever a question in your mind that maybe you need to be careful how much you can 'let out'?
Would coaching - Executive Coaching - be the next right step for you? CIPD for those in more senior roles, those who have had their fill of workshops and flipcharts!

As I understand the Mindset and Skillset challenges you face as lawyers, you can be re-assured that I will deliver the right support for you and your team.
1-2-1 for senior leaders
and aspiring partners
A confidential sounding board.
A risk-free place to express new ideas and work through inner fears. Discuss climbing the career ladder or moving to a new firm - or new career...
Develop your 'Presence' - confidence, influence and gravitas - your Leadership and Business Development.
Working through those uncomfortable 'people challenges' - whether management, leadership or peers. Or clients.
Group Facilitation
for leaders and fee earners
Regular group sessions to discuss new ideas and business/people development.
A facilitator for 'away-day' business and team development
CIPD Skills Refreshers for
Fee Earners and trainees
Presentation Skills
Resolving Conflict
Leadership and Management
Arguing/Debating/Thinking On Your Feet
"you really bring
the human side"
Kim Van Deere,
“If I had to single out one issue on which your training helps people the most, it is probably dealing with the emotional aspect.
For example, going into negotiations being unprepared to deal with the pain and disappointment of initial rejection, being unprepared or unable to ask for what they believe their work is really worth (women probably particularly vulnerable here), and even lacking the resilience to seal the deal when the other party would be willing to close positively.
I have found your training to be thought provoking on many levels but I think you really bring the human side to what many feel is a difficult skill to master.”